• Question: What will be your plans when you retire as a scientist?

    Asked by Best Mates to Dan, Jennifer, Luke, Martin, sakshisharda on 16 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Jennifer Paxton

      Jennifer Paxton answered on 16 Mar 2018:

      That seems a long, long way away but I hope that by the time I retire I will have grown-up children with family of their own and I can spend time with them 🙂 I’ve also always wanted to write a children’s science book so maybe I could do that too?….

    • Photo: Luke Williams

      Luke Williams answered on 16 Mar 2018:

      I have no plans to retire at the moment. I have only just started my job!

      To be honest, I do not know where I will be in five years, ten years and so on. Fortunately I have a permanent job now, so I do not need to worry about that. I just haven’t yet figured out where I want to go from here. I do enjoy my work though, and feel lucky to be where I am.
