• Question: How many tissue is there in your body

    Asked by 886enqm48 to Jennifer on 8 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Jennifer Paxton

      Jennifer Paxton answered on 8 Mar 2018:

      This might surprise you…but there are only FOUR different types of tissue in the body.
      1) Muscle tissue – this is what makes up you muscles and lets you move
      2) Nervous tissue – this is the tissue that sends information all over your body – a bit like electrical wires!
      3) Connective tissue – this is what makes up bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments etc the framework of your body
      4) Epithelial tissue – this is the stuff that makes up parts of your skin and lines the inside of organs and blood vessels.

      These are just the 4 types, and there are lots of other sub-types within each category 🙂
