• Question: What is the main difference between boys and girls

    Asked by Shninkydoo to sakshisharda on 12 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Sakshi Sharda

      Sakshi Sharda answered on 12 Mar 2018:

      There are many differences between boys and girls, the obvious one being that girls can give rise to children and men cannot 🙂 Women have a uterus, where a baby can grow, while men don’t have one. Similarly women have well developed breasts, with which they can feed their children. But there are more differences too!

      Men’s brain weight is more than women, but that does not mean that their intelligence is any different:) Women’s brains have a bigger emotional center than men, which explains why women cry more than men sometimes!

      Then, our bodies also function differently. For example, men have more hormones like testosterone (this hormone makes men become more manly like having more muscles). Women have little of this hormone compared to men. But women have more hormones that help with getting pregnant and caring for a child.
