• Question: why are boy and girl different

    Asked by cdnthe3rd to sakshisharda on 6 Mar 2018. This question was also asked by 853enqm38.
    • Photo: Sakshi Sharda

      Sakshi Sharda answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      Ah that’s a very interesting question! Boys and girls are different so that we can maintain two sexes in nature, so that we can reproduce. Imagine a scenario where both sexes are the same, they will not be able to reproduce, and our human kind will end! Also having two sexes means that the qualities of the man and women and combine in their child, and each of these combinations is different. That’s why no two humans on this planet are the same.

      I hope that answers your questions,and do post me a comment if something is not clear, I would love to discuss this with you!

      Keep asking such great questions!
